Art of Sovereignty – Protecting Alpha and On The Rise
Art of Sovereignty – Protecting Alpha and On The Rise
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Art of Sovereignty – Protecting Alpha and On The Rise
Bite the bullet and find out what it will take to achieve your goals .
Regardless of your nationality, you will learn:
On The Rise
Let me tell you a story a fascinating story about taxes and human psychology….
I travel the world making money online and saving money on taxes.
When I meet a fellow traveler and really enjoy their company, I inform them that I am a tax lawyer and walk them through some of the content in this course.
There is a way to get to zero tax.
The truth about tax havens.
Cheap tax preparers use shady tactics.
A lot more.
I give them a path to follow so they don’t get ripped off in the process.
What happens far too frequently…
They are. Ignore my advice. They text me asking for help a year later.
Some chose the wrong tax haven.
Some chose the wrong tax advisor.
Others tried to do their own taxes.
I remind them of the resources I gave them. I will give the same ones to you. .
I try to hook them up with people who work with tax agencies to figure out how to bring someone into tax compliance.
Most tax controversy pros will not pick up the phone for less than $5,000.
I created this course to help people like you use the same strategies I have used myself and avoid making the same mistakes.
I have always found that there are two distinct groups.
People are on vacation.
people who make money online.
No matter your age…
✓ controlling your own income stream
✓ slashing your tax bill
…is likely the fastest way to achieving your financial goals.
What’s the alternative?
Taxes are the #1 expense for most people.
More than rent or their mortgage.
More than student loan debt payments.
More than car payments.
Even if you are just starting out and trying to figure out how to make money online…
You need to know what you can do with your taxes.
Making money online is the easiest way to get to 0% tax!
Here is the truth.
I don’t understand the internet.
I can not design a product.
I would lose money day-trading.
I can teach you how to avoid the tax. It’s a good idea to kill. Your financial goals.
On the rise. Many of the strategies and service providers will be taught. I used to. Traveling to 11 countries in the last 14 months.
Discover how to do it. The deposits that hit your account should be maximized.
Not the tax man. !
Regardless of your country of origin. On the rise. Will teach you.
The truth about tax havens.
What corporate service providers do not want you to know.
I would make moves on a limited budget.
There is a reason why free blogs are expensive.
I personally use and recommend a low cost corporate service provider.
The most valuable information is hidden by tax pros.
You will owe no tax if you incorporate in a tax jurisdiction with a zero tax rate. Wrong.
Non-Americans will learn.
Legally, you can slash your tax bill to $0.
My favorite tax haven is for non-Americans.
You have an advantage over Americans.
Millions of non-Americans owe US estate tax.
Americans will learn.
How to make over $108,000 and not pay income tax.
You can deduct rent or mortgage payments from your taxes.
It’s legal to stop paying payroll taxes.
The investment is so easy that a 10 year-old can do it.
How to pay 4% corporate tax without resorting to marketing tricks.
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Protecting Alpha
Investors wanted for a painful journey through all things capital gains, bitter pills, gut-wrenching truths, anger, potential dismay…
… possible 0% capital gains tax treatment in exchange for tough decisions and future advisor fees.
I don’t need to tell you that taxes are killing your gains.
I want to help you avoid being one of these people who were smart enough to spot a mulitbag investment but too foolish or lazy to plan ahead.
Remember the guy from the GameStop fiasco?
Could have paid 0% on his millions.
How many stories have you heard about people turning a few thousand into a few million with crypto?
Every day, crypto turns people into millionaires.
Do you know how many pay 0% cap gains tax?
Almost NONE .
They don’t plan ahead.
There’s very little you can do after your investments become profitable.
If you want to slash your cap gains taxes, then you must be proactive.
Here’s your choice.
Putz around reading free blogs about cap gains taxes.
Protecting Alpha contains most important information you need to understand about reducing your capital gains taxes (for Americans & Non-Americans).
✓ Secrets to “ethically rigging” your tax situation in your favor
✓ The number #1 mistake made by some tax pros about investments and capital gains
✓ The scary side of the tax advisor industry
✓ Insider secrets about “tax havens”
✓ The simple – sometimes even illogical – way to pay less in tax
✓ Undeniable proof that making the right investment with $50,000 (USD) will open every single tax strategy (regardless of your nationality / citizenship)
✓ The real reason you can never seem to find an actual answer when you google tax matters
✓ The one and only proven-effective way to eliminate estate taxes for generations
✓ How to work with an advisor with nine-figure clients even if you’re worth far less (I speak with this advisor almost daily and will share the strategies used by his wealthiest clients… you can probably afford the very same strategies!)
Non-Americans will learn:
✓ How to slash your taxes and move to (or remain in) a high tax country
✓ My favorite jurisdiction for non-Americans
✓ The bizarre way you are probably subject to US estate tax (with a top rate of 40%!)…. and the simple solution to avoid it
✓ The breakthrough solution I learned about from an advisor I will introduce you to… he pitched this idea to someone worth $20 BILLION
Americans will learn:
✓ The 100% legal way to pay 0% taxes on short & long term capital gains without giving up your US citizenship… (plus how to avoid a slimy marketing gimmick used to sell this strategy)
✓ A sneaky US expatriation strategy for married couples (and daring singles) that can be stacked with a trust or foundation for MASSIVE tax benefits
✓ Two insane ways the absolutely IRS screws US citizens
✓ My favorite jurisdiction for Americans
✓ The ultimate tax strategy for Americans who want to live in the US… (WARNING: this strategy does NOT come cheap!)
Look…. it’s one thing to know what is and what is NOT possible.
But I’ll introduce you to trustworthy professionals who help you accomplish your goals.
Protecting Alpha isn’t for information junkies.
It’s for people ready to take action.
Do NOT buy if you:
✘ expect me to teach you how to do your own taxes (I won’t… but I can help you find a qualified tax pro)
✘ expect a lot of content on your domestic tax situation (this course focuses international tax strategies)
✘ expect me to answer every last question on tax (people from all over the world buy this course. I genuinely don’t know how to solve every last person’s tax problems . But this course has the essential info you need regardless of what country you are from and will help you take the next step with confidence)
Beg for a raise?
The tax man will take a big chunk of that too!
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